Thursday, 18 November 2010


Just a mini update...started doing some colour test for STATIK...Here's what I got so far..

Wanted to go for a nice 'clean' look to the colouring...I need to do a new line for it, add some thickness, etc...just got to colour the BIG shot, form the last post now....!!!


Also tried a 'fake' cover for it...Here's the sketch (above)...And here's the inked version (plus a detail...)


Here's something I've been working on...just for myself idea for a story, although nothing set in stone yet...just been doing some character stuff, fake poster, etc...just having some fun...!!!

This was the sketch for the main character, and i was trying to figure out how I'd colour him...dod this version as well...

New Stuff...

Did this little coboy illo, after being inspired by old tex avery cartoons, the Gorillaz, and other awesome cartoons,.... here are some of the sketches I did in the process of getting the above image...